Symphony For Beginners

If you’re new to classical music, or if a symphony performance seems daunting, go ahead and put your mind at ease. The most important aspect of attending any symphony performance is to relax and enjoy yourself. Simply listen and watch as extraordinarily talented ASO musicians play live music in unison. And soon, you’ll find yourself enjoying their presence as much as they enjoy yours. From classic to contemporary symphonies, every one of them tells a story. As an audience member, you’re a part of that story. Because without you, there’d be no music.

What to Wear

The ASO has no dress code. We encourage concertgoers to dress however they feel most comfortable. Some come dressed up for a serious night out on the town, others come in jeans. The point of a symphony performance is to enjoy yourself, not to worry about what to wear.

When to Arrive

Performances start at their designated time. In many cases, you will not be allowed into the hall while a piece is playing. Plan on arriving a half hour early so you can stroll through the lobby, casually find your seat, sit down, relax, and enjoy the show.

About the Music

There’s no requirement to be familiar with the music on the program before the concert. In fact, sometimes hearing a piece for the first time live is the best way to experience and discover music.

While listening to classical music in your home, car, or elsewhere nurtures your mind and broadens your world, you don’t need a degree in music to enjoy a symphony. Come with open ears and a sense of wonder. Listen to every piece like it’s a new experience. If you happen to know the piece, all the better. You’ll enjoy the way the ASO performs those familiar pieces.

Turn Off Mobile Devices

One should respect not only the musicians playing for you, but also those around you. Out of courtesy to everyone in the concert hall, please turn off all electronic devices. Before you sit down to enjoy the show, turn your phones off as even vibrate mode and lights from screens can be distracting to others.

No Taking Pictures

Please refrain from flash photography which is distracting to those on stage as well as those around you. Audio and video recording is strictly prohibited.


The majority of shows have an intermission. This is a good time to stretch your legs and move around if you wish. Note, an intermission is only 20 minutes long. Be sure to get back to your seats before the second half of the concert begins!